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Terms of use

Genuiin IP Solutions operates this Site to provide online access to information about Genuiin Intellectual Property ’s and the products, services, and opportunities we provide (the "Service"). By accessing and using this Site, you agree to each of the terms and conditions set forth herein ("Terms of Use") that you have read the Terms of Use and that you accept them without limitation or qualification as may be modified from time to time.

Additional terms and conditions applicable to specific areas of this Site or to particular content or transactions are also posted in particular areas of the Site and, together with these Terms of Use, govern your use of those areas, content or transactions. These Terms of Use, together with applicable additional terms and conditions, are referred to as this "Agreement".

Use of Site

You may use the Service, the Site, and the information, writings, images and/or other works that you see, hear or otherwise experience on the Site (singly or collectively, the “Content”) solely for your non-commercial, personal purposes and/or to learn about Kodak products and services. No right, title or interest in any Content is transferred to you, whether as a result of downloading such Content or otherwise. Genuiin IP Solutions reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in all Content. Except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, you may not use, alter, copy, distribute, transmit, or derive another work from any Content obtained from the Site or the Service, except as expressly permitted by the Terms of Use


The term 'Genuiin Intellectual Property' (‘we’) shall mean Genuiin IP Group of Companies and ‘user’ (‘you’) shall mean the user who is browsing the website.

Intellectual Property Rights

The trade marks, logos and service marks displayed on this website (‘Marks’) and the tagline, ‘Gateway to innovation’ are the property of Genuiin Intellectual Property Solutions LLP or of other parties as acknowledged. Users of this website are prohibited from using any Marks for any purpose (other than those permitted by law) without the express written permission of Genuiin Intellectual Property Consultancy; this includes, but is not limited to, prohibition from using the Marks as ‘metatags’ or hyperlink or for keyword-based advertising on other pages or websites.


Genuiin Intellectual Property Solutiuons LLP owns all right, title and interest in the Intellectual Property Rights comprised in most of the content present on this website, without limitation the software, text, images, graphics, video and audio (‘Materials’) which is covered by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. Permission is granted to make electronic copies and to print in hard copy (with the copyright notice), portions of this website for the sole purpose of researching or using our services. Any other use of materials on this website without the prior written permission of is strictly prohibited; this includes, but is not limited to, modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, publishing, selling, licensing, creating derivative works or using any materials available on or through this website for commercial or public purposes. You agree to comply with all copyright laws worldwide in your use of this website and to prevent any unauthorised copying of the materials.

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This site and its contents are provided ‘as is’ without any representation or warranty, express or implied, of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for any particular purpose, compatibility, security, accuracy, or completeness of the materials or other information displayed or distributed through the site and Sucess Intellectual Property makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to this site or any site or service accessible through this site. has exercised due diligence in checking the correctness and authenticity of the information contained in the site, but Sucess Intellectuial Property consultancy or any of its affiliates or associates or employees shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained in this site.

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Genuiin Intellectual Property may provide on this website information of third parties including links to websites operated by other entities (‘Third-Party Content and Sites’). Links on the Site to third party web sites or information are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, that mean you will leave the Site. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Kodak of the third party, the third-party web site, or the information contained therein. Genuiin IP Solutions is not responsible for the availability of any such web sites. Genuiin IP Solutions is not responsible or liable for any such web site or the content thereon. If you use the links to the web sites of Genuiin IP Solutions affiliates or service providers, you will leave the Site, and will be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy applicable to those web sites.

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If you would like to link to the Site, you must specifically authorize by Genuiin IP Solutions, you may not connect “deep links” to the Site, i.e, create links to this site that bypass the home page or other parts of the Site. You may not mirror or frame the home page or any other pages of this Site on any other web site or web page.

Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

In no event will Genuiin IP Solutions LLP be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages of any type whatsoever related to or arising from this website or any use of this website, or of any site or resource/information linked to, referenced or accessed through this website, or for the use or downloading of, or access to, any materials, information, products, or services, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, lost savings or loss of programs or other data, even if Genuiin IP Solutions is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages. This exclusion and waiver of liability applies to all causes of action, whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other legal theories. The user agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless , its subsidiaries and affiliates its officers, directors, employees and agents from any claim, cost, expense, judgment or other loss relating to your use of this website and the associated websites including, without limitation of the foregoing, any action you take which is in violation of the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use.


Genuiin IP Solutions updates this website regularly and so may change the content at any time. Genuiin IP Solutions LLP reserves the right to modify the terms of use of any service without any liability. We reserve the right to take all measures necessary to prevent access to any service or termination of service if the terms of use are not complied with or are contravened or there is any violation of copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. If you continue to use the site after we have posted changes to the terms, it means you have accepted those terms.

Downloading Files

Genuiin IP Solutions cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Site will be free of infection by software viruses or other harmful computer code, files or programs.


Click here to see Genuiin IP Solutions ’s Privacy Policy.

User Conduct

You agree to use the Site only for lawful purposes. You agree not to take any action that might compromise the security of the Site, render the Site inaccessible to others or otherwise cause damage to the Site or the Content. You agree not to add to, subtract from, or otherwise modify the Content, or to attempt to access any Content that is not intended for you. You agree not to use the Site in any manner that might interfere with the rights of third parties.

Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

Genuiin IP Solutions or any of its employees do not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, new or improved products, technologies, services, processes, materials, or new product names. We have found this policy necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings should Genuiin Intellectuial Property ’s business activities bear coincidental similarities with one or more of the thousands of unsolicited ideas offered to us. Please do not send your unsolicited ideas to Genuiin IP Solutions or anyone at Genuiin IP Solutions LLP. If, in spite of our request that you not send us your ideas, you still send them, then regardless of what your posting, email, letter, or other transmission may say, (1) your idea will automatically become the property of Genuiin IP Solutions LLP, without any compensation to you; (2) Genuiin IP Solutions will have no obligation to return your idea to you or respond to you in any way; (3) Genuiin IP Solutions will have no obligation to keep your idea confidential; and (4) Genuiin IP Solutions may use your idea for any purpose whatsoever, including giving your idea to others.

However, Genuiin IP Solutions does welcome feedback regarding many areas of Genuiin IP Solutions existing businesses that will help to satisfy customer's needs, and feedback can be provided through the many listed contact areas on the Site. Any feedback you provide shall be deemed a Submission under the terms in the User Supplied Information section above.

General Provisions

A. Entire Agreement/No Waiver. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No waiver by Genuiin IP Solutions of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default.

B. Correction of Errors and Inaccuracies. The Content may contain typographical errors or other errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. Genuiin IP Solutions therefore reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update the Content at any time without prior notice. Genuiin IP Solutions does not, however, guarantee that any errors, inaccuracies or omissions will be corrected.

C. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law.These Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of India. Courts of Delhi will hold the exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise between the parties.

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